It's been over a year since I flew to Rome and spent the best four months of my life living in the City of Love. It's been over a year since I met some of the best friends I'll ever make. It's been over a year since the reason for this blog was born. And it's this belated one year anniversary that inspired this post!
I am an incredibly lucky girl and have found a desire for adventure that I'm never sure will be put to rest. Though I am not living abroad or touring Tuscan wineries each weekend, I can't quite sit still for long. Here in the US I have managed to continue my love of travel and dream that one day I will traipse across the globe again. In this past year of reverse culture shock, hard classes, and reuniting with old friends, I realized that just because that study abroad ended doesn't mean that I had to "close the book". It sounds cliche, but Italy was a wonderful chapter. Now I'm simply on to the next. Rather than look back and continue to re-read my old adventures, I have decided to keep this page alive with new stories, pictures, and the excitement that life brings. This time it's not for honors credit or to update my family back home. It's for myself and a terrible case of wanderlust.
On a sappy note, however, here are those people I mentioned. The ones I still miss everyday. The ones I'd pick first to travel the world with. The only ones who shared all the laughs and tears that come with living abroad.